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    제목 Semrush links for b
    작성자 Mike Aleksander Bern 작성일 2024.12.11
    이메일 mikexxxx@gmail.com@mikexxxx@gmail.com 첨부파일
    내용 Hi there
    Having some bunch of links pointing to bn-steela.co.kr could have 0 value or worse for your website, It really doesn`t matter how many backlinks you have, what matters is the amount of keywords those websites rank for. That is the most important thing. Not the fake Moz DA or ahrefs DR score. That anyone can do these days. BUT the amount of ranking keywords the sites that link to you have. Thats it.
    Have such links point to your website and you will ROCK !
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    Kind regards
    Mike Aleksander Bernard

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